Life Groups

Find out more at a Welcome Center

Why Life Groups?

Life Groups provide us with a connecting point (flowing out of our Sunday worship gathering) for meaningful relationships (intergenerational) within the church to grow together, love one another, pray for each other, and to walk as followers of Christ together as we strive in community to know, love, and serve Christ for the glory of his name. 


Life on Life

Life Groups will demonstrate a commitment and dependence on God’s Word as our authority as we encourage one another to live by faith, driven by the power of the Gospel and the sufficiency of Christ, as broken people always in need of mercy and grace, bound together in relationships of genuine love, trust, accountability, unity, patience, humility, hospitality, integrity, and prayer.


Committed to Transformation

Life Groups, by God’s grace through the power of His Word, seek to provide a place to grow in our relationships as we see God’s Word transform us in Christlikeness in community (in fellowship with one another as broken and weak pilgrims). Committed to one another as disciples of Christ rooted and grounded in love, we prayerfully look to be captivated and strengthened by Christ as we run the race before us with endurance.